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Our Goals
Sammy Cipolla Award
Home Fields
14U Gold
14U Blue
12U Gold
12U Blue
12U White
10U Gold
10U Blue
Tryout Information
2024-2025 Registration
Thunderbolt Classic Tournament
2025 Thunderbolt Classic Registration
Titans of Tomorrow
Titans of Tomorrow Info
Titans of Tomorrow Registration 2025
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About Us
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Our Goals
Sammy Cipolla Award
Home Fields
14U Gold
14U Blue
12U Gold
12U Blue
12U White
10U Gold
10U Blue
Tryout Information
2024-2025 Registration
Thunderbolt Classic Tournament
2025 Thunderbolt Classic Registration
Titans of Tomorrow
Titans of Tomorrow Info
Titans of Tomorrow Registration 2025
Show Your Support
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GTFA 2024 Registration
About Us
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Our Goals
Sammy Cipolla Award
Home Fields
14U Gold
14U Blue
12U Gold
12U Blue
12U White
10U Gold
10U Blue
Tryout Information
2024-2025 Registration
Thunderbolt Classic Tournament
2025 Thunderbolt Classic Registration
Titans of Tomorrow
Titans of Tomorrow Info
Titans of Tomorrow Registration 2025
Show Your Support
Support the Titans
2023-2024 Tryout Registration
Contact Us
Player Information
First Name
Last Name
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
Date of Birth
What school do you attend?
9th (freshman)
10th (sophomore)
11th (junior)
12th (senior)
Player Experience
What level are you trying out for?
10U (2013 or later)
12U (2011 or 2012)
14U (2009 or 2010)
16U (2007 or 2008)
How many years of travel softball experience do you have?
What is your most recent team?
Do you take lessons?
What positions have you played in travel softball?
Select all that apply.
1st base
2nd base
3rd base
Left field
Center field
Right field
Parent / Guardian Information
Parent / Guardian 1
First Name
Last Name
Parent / Guardian Mobile Phone
Parent / Guardian Email
Parent / Guardian 2
First Name
Last Name
Parent / Guardian 2 Mobile Phone
Parent / Guardian 2 Email
Emergency Contacts
Primary Emergency Contact
In an emergency, when parents cannot be reached, please contact:
First Name
Last Name
Relationship to Player
Mobile Phone
Work Phone
Secondary Emergency Contact
First Name
Last Name
Relationship to Player
Mobile Phone
Work Phone
Medical Information and Allergies
Do you have any medical conditions or allergies we need to be aware of?
Additional Information
Indoor training
Will you be able to attend these sessions from November through March?
Titans teams play a minimum of three tournaments each season. Are you available to play in additional tournaments?
Additional activities
Do you have any additional sports, activities or camps that will conflict with the softball season (April-August)?
If your daughter is placed on a team, what positions would you be interested in volunteering for? Titans softball relies heavily on volunteers, and highly encourages each family to volunteer a minimum of six hours during the practice and gameplay seasons as well as our flagship tournament, the Thunderbolt Classic.
Head Coach
Assistant Coach
GTFA president
GTFA vice president
GTFA secretary
GTFA treasurer
GTFA sponsorships and promotions
Parent team representative (at monthly board meetings)
Team parent (Provides admin support for the head coach)
Thunderbolt Classic tournament director
GTFA Operations (uniforms, equipment, park district liaison)
GTFA webmaster
GTFA administrator (Player/team registration, insurance)
Waiver and Release of Liability
Please read the following carefully before selecting the checkmark below which indicates your agreement.
If the Player is chosen for a Glenview Titans Fastpitch Association (GTFA) team, the undersigned acknowledges that Player will not be placed on a team unless the program and annual cost have been submitted. No refunds will be provided once a player is rostered on a team and fees are paid. I understand that softball is a contact sport that involves hard projectiles traveling towards players at a high rate of speed. I acknowledge that: participation in softball has inherent risk; participation may result in serious injury; and that protective equipment does not prevent injuries to players. I KNOWINGLY AND FREELY ASSUME ALL SUCH RISKS, both known and unknown, EVEN IF ARISING FROM THE ACTS OR INACTIONS OF THE RELEASEES or others, and knowingly and voluntarily assume full and complete responsibility for my participation. I knowingly and voluntarily acknowledge and assume all ordinary and reasonable risks of the game of softball and agree not to sue, and hereby release any and all individuals or entities associated with or involved with the GTFA, its officers, directors, members, employees, staff, participants and other individuals acting on its behalf from any and all claims, liabilities, causes of action or expenses resulting from accidents, personal injury, illness, damage to property or death, arising from a player’s activities and participation in softball activities, including, but not limited to tryouts, games, practices, meetings, team parties, ceremonies, travel and tournaments, whether caused by negligence or any other cause. This release includes, but is not limited to, any injury to any person in connection with players, including the undersigned. Participation in the program or loss sustained in preparation for, or during travel to or from, or participation in any GTFA contest or practice, shall include any claims relating to equipment, including omission thereof, or any acts or omissions relating to medical consents and releases given by the parent/guardian. I, for myself and on behalf of my heirs, assigns, personal representatives and next of kin, HEREBY AGREE TO DEFEND, INDEMNIFY, RELEASE AND HOLD HARMLESS THE GTFA, its officers, directors, employees, staff and other individuals acting on its behalf from any and all claims, liabilities, lawsuits, causes of action or expenses brought by or sought by any third party arising out of or relating to the action or conduct of the undersigned Player. I have carefully read and duly understand this agreement. I am aware that this is a release of liability, promise not to sue, and a contract between myself and the Glenview Titans Fastpitch Association. I HAVE READ THIS RELEASE OF LIABILITY AND ASSUMPTION OF RISK AGREEMENT, BEFORE ACKNOWLEDGING THE CHECKBOX BELOW, FULLY UNDERSTAND ITS TERMS, UNDERSTAND THAT I HAVE GIVEN UP SUBSTANTIAL RIGHTS BY AGREEING TO IT ON MY OWN BEHALF OR ON BEHALF OF THE YOUTH PARTICIPANT ASSOCIATED WITH THIS GUARDIAN ACCOUNT, AND I SIGN IT FREELY AND VOLUNTARILY WITHOUT ANY INDUCEMENT. ACKNOWLEDGMENT BY PARENTS AND/OR LEGAL GUARDIANS OF YOUTH PARTICIPANTS: By acknowledging and agreeing to the check boxes below, or via electronic signature, I agree to and verify the following: 1) I am the parent or legal guardian for the youth participant associated with this guardian account, 2) that the date of birth of the youth participant associated with this guardian account is correct, 3) that as parent/legal guardian with legal responsibility for this youth participant, I consent and agree to assume the risks of her participation in these programs; and 4) that I specifically agree to her release as provided herein of all the Releasees, and, for myself, my heirs, assigns and next of kin, I release and agree to indemnify the Releasees from any and all liabilities incident to this youth participant's involvement or participation in these programs as provided above EVEN IF ARISING FROM THE ACTS OR OMISSIONS OF THE RELEASEES OR OTHERWISE.
I have carefully read, duly understand and agree to the above Waiver and Release of Liability.
First Aid and Medical Treatment Acknowledgment and Release
Please read the following carefully before selecting the checkmark below which indicates your agreement.
If the Player is chosen for a Glenview Titans Fastpitch Association (GTFA) team, I understand that in the course of tryouts, practice or playing in a game, the Player may require first aid or medical treatment as a result of an injury. I do hereby give permission for agents of GTFA to seek and secure any emergency medical treatment deemed necessary.
I understand that neither medical nor health insurance coverage is supplied by the GTFA and that the parent/guardian of the player is responsible for all medical costs related to treatment of the Player, including possible emergency treatment. This instrument is governed by Illinois law, and it is the intention of the parties that this release will discharge the GTFA, its officers, directors, employees, staff, participants and other individuals acting on its behalf from any liability, including contribution to any person or entity not affiliated with the GTFA while concurrently preserving claims of the player or parent/guardian against any such non-affiliated person or entity. Partial invalidity of any portion of this instrument shall not reflect the validity of the remainder.
I have carefully read, duly understand and agree to the above First Aid and Medical Treatment Acknowledgment and Release.
GTFA Athlete & Parent/Guardian Code of Conduct Acknowledgment
Please read the following carefully before selecting the checkmark below which indicates your agreement.
I have received
a link to the online copy of the Glenview Titans Fastpitch Association (GTFA) Code of Conduct
. I understand all the rules, responsibilities and expectations, and have reviewed it with my Player. As a GTFA player/parent/family member, my family and I agree to abide by the principles of the Six Pillars of Character while representing GTFA which includes but not limited to practices, games, tournaments, etc. We also will be very respectful and apply the other CHARACTER COUNTS! principles to the coaching staff, GTFA board and volunteers at all times. I agree to be responsible for following all GTFA rules and expectations, and understand the consequences of failing to follow the requirements. I understand Code of Conduct and GTFA policies may be amended during the year without notice. The version I viewed is the latest version and applicable to all athletes and families upon the implementation of any change. The GTFA will notify all athletes and families, where possible, of any changes to policies and the Code of Conduct as soon as is practicable. I understand that my failure to confirm receipt of this acknowledgment will not relieve the athlete, parent or guardian from being responsible for knowing or complying with GTFA rules, policies and procedures.
I understand the GTFA shall have the exclusive right to establish and modify standards of conduct, behavior and performance of the player in the program, and to require the player’s strict compliance with the standards as condition for continued participation in the program. If GTFA determines, in the exercise of its sole discretion, that further participation of the player in the program is inconsistent with the best interests of either the player or GTFA, then GTFA shall have the right to terminate the player’s participation in the program, without any hearing.
I have carefully read, duly understand and agree to the above GTFA Athlete & Parent/Guardian Code of Conduct Acknowledgement.
Photo and Video Release for Minors
Please read the following carefully before selecting the checkmark below which indicates your agreement.
If chosen for a Glenview Titans Fastpitch Association (GTFA) team, I, as a player or parent/guardian on behalf of my player, understand that photos and videos are periodically taken of people participating in the GTFA tryouts, practices, games, events and activities. I agree that any photograph or video taken by members of GTFA staff and other individuals acting on its behalf while participating in GTFA activities may be used by GTFA for promotional purposes including newsletters, electronic media, brochures, flyers, local paper and other publications without additional prior notice, permission or compensation to the participant. These pictures will never be sold or distributed for unauthorized purposes, but only used exclusively for GTFA purposes.
I have carefully read, duly understand and agree to the above Photo and Video Release for Minors.
Player's Electronic Signature
Electronic Signature of Player's Parent/Guardian